Yeah if you read that title you got the gist of this article. On May 16th it was announced that by the end of the year the Free Federal Health Care System (SUS for short) will begin offering free sex changes in Brazil. The operation will be covered by SUS for men wanting to change to the female sex, the other direction male to female is still considered to be experimental and will not be covered. The demand for this surgery is estimated to be at about 1000 cases.
Critics say that this will overstress an already stressed out system. I also see the injustice that this is going to cause many people, people with real health problems. The rational for including this as a valid health related illness is that those who want the surgery and are unable to pay for it have emotional distress, but if we look at the existing government run health care system, it is already unable to take care of those with serious health problems. Health stations (postos de saude) have long lines and super long waiting periods for surgeries, many die from their illness before receiving treatment or the necessary surgery. The biggest part of this problem can be blamed on government corruption, pocketing money, and poor management.
I see this as one more step backwards for a developing country, and a huge leap backwards spiritually speaking.