Friday, February 08, 2008

Moving Day

On February 11, 2008 we will be moving to a new house. We have been renting our current home for four years on the 20th of this month, but the owner asked for her house back so that her daughter and son in law could now begin to live here so, we had to move. God blessed and we found another home about as nice as the one we are in now, and not to far from here, actually it is a little closer to the church.

We may be without internet connection and telephone for up to a week or so depending on the telephone companies here. Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Youth Game Night During Carnival

The youth gathered at Pastor Ernesto´s house for a game night. The games played were UNO, Rume-o and Dutch Blitz. These are all imported from the USA, but make for some fun times among Brazilians. Brazilian people are very competitive and game nights are usually quite loud. This year we were unable to rent a facility that the church could afford during carnival as is usually done. This year the camp will be held on the Easter weekend, and the camp (farmette) has already been rented for that purpose.

The fellowship this evening at Pr. Ernesto´s went until midnight! That was quite a good evening and the youth that participated had a good time. Pray God would grow these relationships with the pastors and the youth as well as the relationships between the youth themseleves as some new young people came to this event as well. Two pictures follow.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Thursday, January 24th Abner Arrives!

Abner Melo Nunes

On the 24th of January, while Don Dennison was visiting us here in Palmas, Abner Melo Nunes was born to Ernesto and Miriam Nunes. They are celebrating, as are we (because he is our nephew). He is doing very well and was born with 49cm and 3. some odd kilograms, I´ll let you convert that into inches and pounds. Abner pretty much has it made, as he does what all babies do, eat, sleep, and cry. Makes me think about our walk with God, especially when we are beginning our walk with him, we need to drink that spiritual milk, meditate on His word (sleep), and of course cry out to Him when we need Him most! If you like baby pictures you will enjoy what follows. God bless!