Sunday, March 19, 2006

Camp 2006

Hey everyone. I am feeling much better now. Thank you for your prayers.

Our camp this year was a great time. It was held during carnival and was a lot fun. We had two services each day and learned a lot about our love that we show to God. Thank you again for praying for our camping program and for those who do not yet know Christ as Savior. We had two people accept Christ and baptised one person as well. While we had two services each day, this did not mean we didn't have time for other things as well. Many played soccer (I made a goal!!), volleyball, dodge ball others went for a swim in the creek, still others spied on monkeys eating in the nearby trees, and of course there were those who took it easy in their hammocks just talking all afternoon under a huge mango tree. The food for the camp was donated by the members of the church, and what was lacking was bought using the camp fee. At the end of the camp we saw that there was enough food left over to make two love baskets and give to families in need. There were no complaints during these day and when the last day came and we hated to see that time come to clean up and go home.

I have posted some new photos in the 2006 Photo Gallery. Click there to see some of the things that happened during our 2006 camp outing.

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